Health Observance | Health Eagle - Part 4

Archives for Health Observance

Men and High Blood Pressure

by Lori Sciame May 27th, 2023 | Health Observance
Men, do you you lead a stressful life, one full of poor diet choices and lack of exercise?  If yes, you may be flirting with high blood pressure.  Most people understand that high blood pressure can hurt the human body through heart attack and stroke; therefore, reducing high blood pressure is a must.  Read on for some important information on how to lower your high blood pressure in order to become the healthy person you were meant to be.

Lower Sodium Intake

Approximately 20 - 40 % of cases of high blood pressure in men can be attributed to ingesting too
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Preventing High Blood Pressure

by Louise May 6th, 2023 | Health Observance
May is High Blood Pressure Prevention Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one third of adults are living with high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. 68 million Americans are living with high blood pressure.

What are the risks of high blood pressure? The two leading causes of death in America are heart attack and stroke, and high blood pressure often is a major contributing factor to both conditions. Thus, high blood pressure is recently said to be at least partly responsible for around 300,000 deaths per year. Other diseases for which hypertension is a
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National Nutrition Month: Women 40+

by Kimberly Hays March 17th, 2023 | Health Observance
It is just a part of life for women as they age that they will experience a low libido, a slow moving metabolism, and diminished energy levels. Most women start to feel these irritating symptoms at 40 and over. There are things we can do when these indicators start, like getting plenty of exercise, eating a healthy diet, and talking with your doctor about supplements that can help alleviate these symptoms.

Probiotics- It is important to find the right formula for your personal needs. Before you purchase a probiotic, be sure to learn about each product to find the right
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National Nutrition Month: Tips For Everyone

by Kimberly Hays March 10th, 2023 | Health Observance
This year marks the 40th year of National Nutrition Month. Its focus is to promote healthy eating habits, and encourage physical activity. The theme for 2013 is “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day." The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests that everyone, no matter their dietary and personal lifestyle, can make sound choices to be sure that their body is getting the proper nutrition while staying within federal caloric guidelines. Following are tips for different types of lifestyles to be sure that you are getting the vitamins needed for optimum health.

The Busy Executive – Those who are busy with
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Important: Preconception Counseling

by Kimberly Hays January 20th, 2023 | Health Observance
We all know the importance of taking good care of our bodies after finding out we are pregnant. We do this by eating well, and by taking vitamins and seeing our doctor regularly. With one baby out of every 33 in the United States being born with birth defects, doctors are now trying to lower those numbers by recommending steps for prevention that start prior to conceiving.

Preconception counseling is suggested when thinking about getting pregnant. Your doctor can make suggestions to lower the risk of birth defects. There are many infections that can cause birth defects, and
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.