Medication | Health Eagle - Part 10

Archives for Medication


by MPK February 27th, 2006 | Illness, Medication
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Benefits of Niacin

by Abigail B. November 12th, 2005 | Heart Health, Medication
Cholesterol levels of LDL, low density lipoprotetein levels may be lowered by taking niacin. Niacin opens blood vessels wider. Niacin detoxifies. The niacin flush is actually caused when the small blood vessels, the capillaries are opened so that more flood flows through them. Many toxins are stored in fatty tissues These blood vessels reach those fatty tissues and the toxins in the fatty tissues can be removed into the bloodstream and processed out of the body. Some people are concerned about the niacin flush when actually it is a good thing since it is a sign of improved blood flow.
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Drug Delivery Through Implanted Chips

by Abigail B. September 22nd, 2005 | Medication
In the field of medicine implants have been around for many years, for example dental implants.

Presently the pill one pops in one's mouth to help an ache or to reach the site of an infection has a long journey fraught with perils that can end the journey without reaching the appointed destination. That pill must travel through the stomach, get to the intestines in one piece, and then cross the intestinal wall into circulation. Before it gets to the rest of the body it must also get filtered through the liver.

Pharmaceutical makers coat the pill to protect it through
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by MPK March 29th, 2005 | Medication, Mental Health
Wellbutrin is a leading anti-depressant drug from GlaxoSmithKline. Wellbutrin differs from many anti-depressants because it does not have the side effect of reducing sexual appetite (although if you are having sex you should regularly have an HIV test). In fact, Wellbutrin patients commonly report an increased libido. Wellbutrin was first approved by the FDA in 1985, and is still commonly used today.
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Inhaled Insulin

by Abigail B. March 29th, 2005 | Diseases, Medication
Simply put, diabetes is when the body cannot convert foods properly into energy. When the body doesn't make enough insulin or the insulin doesn't work correctly, the glucose can't get into your cells. Instead the glucose stays in your blood. When this level in your blood gets too high you have diabetes, and you may want to wear a diabetic wristband. Diabetes may be passed on genetically but is not limited only to genetics. Until a cure is found, diabetics who must keep their insulin in control must do so with injections. Repeated injections is a major problem for
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.