Raising Health-Conscious Kids | Health Eagle

Raising Health-Conscious Kids

by TJ Davis August 30th, 2010 | Children's Health, Exercise, Nutrition
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Health awareness is on the rise. Obesity is on the rise. Kids and teens need more fitness related activities. Physical education programs in schools are on the decline. Today’s children are more world-savvy and environmentally aware than earlier generations. Children today are less physically active than previous generations. Today’s kids are technology addicts. Children and teens are at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes and other health-related illness. These statements, some seemingly contradictory, are all generalizations; they are also all true. So, how do we, as parents, raise health-conscious, healthy children?

Health awareness is more than just telling our kids they need to “get out more” or “eat better”. Parents need to illustrate what that means. You have heard it said, the best leaders lead by example. The same is true for parenting. Setting an example for your kids will help them see the importance of the rules you set – and follow. In the kitchen, get kids involved in creating nutritionally balanced meals using healthy ingredients. Encourage them to experiment with new foods. Go for a leisurely walk, jog, or bike ride after dinner. A jaunt around the neighborhood is not only heart-healthy, it allows time for family conversation and bonding.

Some of the best ways to communicate with and educate our youth is by utilizing the technologies they have become attached to. Email your teen a link to a website about an upcoming charity walk, run, or bike marathon. Send a text with an invitation to go bowling, swimming, hiking or whatever physical activity you both enjoy doing. If your kids like video gaming, join in by challenging them to active games like Wii Play or Wii Sports. Whatever you choose to do, and however you choose to communicate, getting actively involved with your children’s health early will help them to lead healthier, happier lives later on.

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