Supplement Your Diet with Chia, Flax & Hemp | Health Eagle

Supplement Your Diet with Chia, Flax & Hemp

by R. Carnavale September 3rd, 2014 | Diet
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grainsThere’s an easy way to add a lot of nutrition to your diet–superfood supplements. Chia seed, flax seed and hemp are excellent sources of Omega-3 acids, magnesium and protein and are great for everybody, especially if you’re a vegetarian, vegan and raw foodist. The supplements are often readily available at your local supermarket, drugstore or health food store. You can add these supplements to your food by spreading them on oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies or by mixing them into baked goods dough.

Learn more about these superfood supplements and what they can do for you, visit our sister publication, My Fitness Tunes, or click here to access the article directly.

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