Exercise | Health Eagle

Archives for Exercise

Exercise Your Way to Happiness

by Lori Sciame January 24th, 2025 | Exercise

Feeling trapped in your home by the wintery wind and the ever increasing mounds of snow outside your door? If so, you might want to try chasing the seasonal blues away by adding exercise to your daily routine. Don't worry; I'm not going to preach to you about the benefits of beginning a jogging or weight lifting program. I merely want to propose exercise as a simple solution - one aimed at lifting your sagging spirits.

Consider the following:

1. Exercise costs nothing!

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Tips for Fall Fitness

by Louise September 8th, 2023 | Exercise, Prevention
It's about that time again. Here in New England, there are already a few trees with their leaves turning shades of yellow and orange. Luckily, fall is one of the best seasons for exercise: the temperature drops a bit, but there's still enough daylight to catch a bit of sun before or after work. As the summer comes to an end, it's the perfect time for a lifestyle assessment. Did you exercise as much as you had hoped? If yes, do you think it's time to take your exercise to the next level? If no,
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Why Women Should be Doing Weight Bearing Exercise

by Kimberly Hays September 1st, 2023 | Exercise, Health Research, Women's Health
Weight training consists of simple exercises that strengthen bones and muscles by placing heaviness on the bones, which in turn strengthens them. Lifting things will place pressure on the bones, like resistance bands, dumbbell lifts, or even picking up grocery bags. You also strengthen the bones anytime you use your body weight, like push ups and lunges. Weight bearing exercise is important for everyone, but women are more prone to bone loss, especially those who are post-menopausal, and anyone at any age can begin weight bearing exercises to gain bone strength. Along with gaining bone strength and why it
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Walk at Work

by Lori Sciame April 7th, 2023 | Exercise
Now that the weather has turned warmer, and your pants probably feel tighter after the long months of winter, why not begin an exercise program at work?  There's no easier way to do this than by organizing walks with your co-workers.  I've used walking as my main form of exercise at work for almost 25 years, and the benefits have been immense, the most important being the development of new friendships.  Listed below are three ways to prompt your co-workers to join you outside for an invigorating walk in the spring sunshine.

1.  Walking Clubs

I have had great success with forming
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Prescription: Walk for Heart Health

by Jessica B. February 17th, 2023 | Exercise
I know you have probably heard it before, but one of the easiest ways you can boost heart health, starting right now, is by adding a little bit more movement to your every day routine.

It doesn’t have to be a run or a bike ride. I’m talking about opening your front door and taking a short walk down to the end of the street and back again. It might take you five minutes. It might take you ten. But really, opening that door and taking that first step is the direction you need to start focusing on your heart and
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