Men's Health | Health Eagle - Part 2

Archives for Men's Health

A New Leaf

by Lori Sciame September 29th, 2023 | Health Observance, Men's Health
The cliche, turning over a new leaf, connects beautifully with autumn.  As the gold, orange, and red leaves fall from the trees, one can choose to think about the tiny buds that will take their place next spring instead.  It may sound counter-intuitive, but I propose that we should think of fall as a time for beginning again, and not as a time to curl up into a ball for hibernation.

For a man who has let his health go, now is the time to think about turning over a new leaf, one that will give
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Make Healthy Eating a Priority

by Lori Sciame August 5th, 2023 | Health Observance, Men's Health
As a man ages, his odds of developing certain diseases increases. For example, his chances of developing heart disease and prostate cancer are especially high if he chooses not to consume healthy foods.  As outlined by Livestrong.com, "according to the American Dietetic Association, aging men need vitamins and nutrients to sustain a healthy quality of life."  Read on to learn ways to make healthy eating a priority for a man over 50.

Say Farewell to Fast Food

50 year old men and older can probably remember the time in history when fast food did not permeate society.
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Where Men and Women Differ

by Louise June 24th, 2023 | Diet, Health Observance, Men's Health
I'm all for equality, but dieting provides an exception.

There are some facts that can't be argued with. On average, men tend to be taller and more muscular than women. The larger and more muscular one is, the more calories one needs to consume to maintain that size, therefore, men typically need more calories than women. The 2,000-calorie diet, which the nutritional panel on most products is based on, can cause some misleading results; it implies to average person (AKA someone not interested in pulling out a calculator to do the math) that eating a serving of that product will
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Easy Tips = Big Benefits

by Lori Sciame June 17th, 2023 | Men's Health
Thinking about improving one's overall health can be overwhelming. Today's overabundance of information, coming in from all directions, from TV to the Internet, can cause one's head to spin. Many men ask, "how can I sift through all the do's and don'ts to find out the best health information for me?"

First and foremost, one must skip advice that doesn't come from a reliable source. For instance, should a man take advice from the local electrician on what cancer treatment to choose?  Although the electrician may be an expert in her field, the best place to search for information on
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Snore Loudly? Read This!

by Lori Sciame April 14th, 2023 | Men's Health
Men, if your significant other tells you that you snore so loudly that he or she can't sleep, then please read this post. You may have a life threatening condition called sleep apnea. This term may sound complicated, but it's really not. Sleep apnea is "...a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. You may have sleep apnea if you snore loudly and you feel tired even after a full night's sleep" (MayoClinic.com).

I am convinced my husband has sleep apnea. He snores so loudly that he wakes our daughter from a sound sleep, and she
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.