Antibodies, Antigen | Health Eagle

Antibodies, Antigen

by Editorial Team December 13th, 2012 | Common Conditions
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When we’re sick we think about the symptoms that we’re experiencing, but we may not often think about what is happening inside our bodies on a molecular level.  Sure, we recognize that we have a virus, and it is causing a variety of symptoms.  But besides the aches and pains that we’re experiencing, what is our body doing?

When cells recognize that there is a foreign substance, such as bacteria or a virus, our cells produce antibodies.  These antibodies (such as the Nanog antibody) act as protectors that try to eliminate the foreign substance.  In order for the antibody to work correctly, it must bind to the antigen, which is the foreign substance.

How can you keep your antibody levels secure?  The simple answer is to live a healthy lifestyle.  Exercise regularly, eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, and make healthy choices.  These items alone won’t guarantee that you stay virus-free, but it should help the next time an illness comes around.

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