Armor Up for the Allergy Battle | Health Eagle

Armor Up for the Allergy Battle

by Editorial Team July 26th, 2017 | Children's Health
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The air that you filter through your home matters more than you know. Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a huge factor in the health of your children. Nasal allergies affect kids at a young age. The allergens in your home can make your child suffer needlessly. That’s why you must prioritize IAQ. Until you do, the air that circulates in your home will aggravate your child’s condition. It could even trigger an asthma attack or worse.

How much should you worry about this situation? Research suggests that people spend 90 percent of their lives indoors. No matter how much you encourage your child to play outside, the data indicates that the great indoors is more popular. The air that circulates in your home is what your child will breath 90 percent of the time. You must take steps to make it the healthiest, cleanest air possible. Thankfully, you have plenty of options to do so.

Your main priority is to keep your home clean. Dust contains the mites and allergens that will irritate your children’s lungs. When you do clean, you are proactively protecting your children from dangerous air irritants. Another approach is to buy hypoallergenic bedding for your child. The eight hours that a kid sleeps each night are important. Bedding that isn’t clean will cause your baby to wake up coughing or sneezing. They might suffer the ramifications all day. Hypoallergenic sheets, pillowcases, and comforters reduce the chances of this problem occurring. For other suggestions, read the helpful infographic.

Brought to you by our friends at mcwilliamsandson.com.

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