Heart Disease Risk Factors | Health Eagle

Heart Disease Risk Factors

by Editorial Team September 13th, 2007 | Diseases, Heart Health
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Many of the risk factors in heart disease can be eliminated or changed by making lifestyle changes. Some risk factors such as family history or age cannot be changed. However reducing or changing certain behaviors can affect cardiovascular disease. Smoking (even a hookah) is the number one cause of cardiovascular disease. Smoking lowers the good cholesterol and degenerates arterial health. Smoking combined with birth control pills increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Obesity is a major risk factor in heart disease. Women especially who have a lot of fat around the waist are more at risk than those who carry the fat on the hips. About 1/3 of the women in the US are considered obese, and use of a fat binder would help with that.  Also, beneficial to overweight women would be diet pills.

Physical inactivity is a significant risk factor for heart disease. Studies have shown that regular exercise (such as using multi gyms) reduces cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes and increases arterial health. As little as 30 minutes per day of exercise, 3 times per week has proven to be beneficial.

Cholesterol levels are also important predictors of cardiovascular disease or health. Cholesterol levels can be improved by diet, exercise and cholesterol-lowering medications.

High blood pressure makes the heart work harder, increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney disease. It speeds up hardening of the arteries. Blood pressure can be controlled with diet, exercise, vitamin supplements and medicines.

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