Natural Relief Found | Health Eagle

Natural Relief Found

by Kimberly Hays September 20th, 2012 | Common Conditions
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Prevention is always the best defense against the cold and flu. Even with our best efforts, by getting a flu shot, washing our hands often, and keeping our hands away from our faces, we may find ourselves sick. While over the counter medications can help relieve symptoms, there are some extra steps that you can add to your treatment that are safe and natural, and are proven to help you feel better.

Chicken Soup – Mom’s chicken soup has been proven to be a natural cold and flu remedy. The soup helps to keep the body hydrated, and also helps sooth achy throats. The steam from the soup helps to clear a stuffy nose. Researchers are also now finding in lab tests that chicken soup contains anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Salt Water Gargle – A salt water gargle is often recommended by dentists when tooth issues exist, but it is also effective in relieving a sore throat. Using one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, gargle four times per day to keep the throat moist. The salt water will also kill bacteria in the throat which promotes healing.

Neti Pot – Neti pots are effective for those who suffer from seasonal allergies, but it is also very useful to clear out sinuses when you have a cold or the flu. By irrigating the sinus cavities, you will produce much thinner mucus. This will give you relief from headaches and nasal congestion. Be sure to use distilled water, or if you only have tap water available, boil the water for three minutes and allow to completely cool before using. Add a pinch of salt to the water before using.

Vitamins and Minerals – Zinc and vitamin C have been found to help shorten a cold and the flu. One study found that workers who were exposed to extreme weather and stress and took vitamin C caught 50% less colds. As for zinc, it has shown to be have anti-viral assets. Studies have shown that it can reduce the duration of the cold or flu by one day if taken within 24-hours of the onset of symptoms.

Hot Toddy – An old-time remedy that is effective if you can’t sleep due to congestion and sore throat, a hot toddy will relieve these symptoms and help you get a good night’s rest. In a cup of warm tea, add a teaspoon of honey, a little shot of bourbon or whiskey, and the juice of a quarter of a lemon. Only consume one hot toddy per night, as too much alcohol can interrupt your much needed sleep, as well as suppress your immune system.

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