Notorious Norovirus | Health Eagle

Notorious Norovirus

by Lori Sciame May 30th, 2011 | Illness
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It comes on quickly…many times without any warning. An hour ago you were fine, but now you feel violently ill with nausea and abdominal pain. What could have caused this misery?

Although you may not know it by its official name, norovirus has the honor of being one of the most common causes of illness in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that there are more than 21 million cases of acute gastroenteritis each year are due to norovirus infection.

Most people have suffered from diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain due to this pesky virus (which causes inflammation of the stomach and intestines). It is not fun.

Read on to learn more about the “dreaded” norovirus.


-Anyone can become ill from the virus. And you can also have it many times during the course of a lifetime.

-It can make you feel extremely ill, yet recovery time is usually 1 – 2 days.

-It is easily passed from person to person.

-The most common complication from the illness is dehydration, especially in the very old and the very young.

-It is transmitted by coming in contact with a person who is sick with the virus, by touching a surface that is contaminated by the virus, or even eating food that is contaminated.

-You cannot get a shot to protect you from the virus, and there are no specific medicines  to treat you with once you become ill.

-Approximately 500 people die each year from norovirus complications.

Preventing Norovirus

Although 1 in 15 people in the United States suffer from norovirus each year, there are ways to prevent getting sick. The number one way of preventing the spread of the illness is by washing your hands often. Warm water and soap combine to kill the virus on hands, so take your time and wash your hands thoroughly – even under the nails!

If someone in your house becomes ill with norovirus, you must be very careful to prevent it from spreading like wildfire. Keep all household surfaces clean and disinfected. If you are sick yourself, do not prepare food – you can give the sickness to the rest of the family that way. If clothes/linens become soiled from fluids from the sick person, you must wash them carefully – use the maximum load length and detergent.

Norovirus and Cruise Ships

Not only does norovirus make those on dry land sick, it can ruin a vacation as well. Do you remember hearing of norovirus in connection with cruise ship outbreaks? On their website, the CDC gives several reasons why norovirus seems to plague ships:

  • Health officials track illness on cruise ships; therefore, outbreaks are found and reported more quickly on a cruise ship than on land.
  • Close living quarters may increase the amount of group contact.
  • New passenger arrivals may bring the virus to other passengers and crew.

Just like on dry land, washing your hands properly is the best way to prevent getting sick on a cruise. You can also use alcohol wipes for protection.



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