Nutrition Tactics to Get Healthy | Health Eagle

Nutrition Tactics to Get Healthy

by R. Carnavale June 5th, 2012 | Health Observance, Men's Health
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June is Men’s Health Month, and nationwide, health fairs, screenings, and health education events geared towards men will be scheduled. The focus is on preventing health problems. One way men can look out for their health is to embrace a healthy diet that gets rid of fat and builds muscles like the TNT—targeted nutrition tactics—Diet, which is geared towards men. The TNT Diet claims to be a scientifically-based way to lose weight and to reduce the risk for diabetes and heart disease without having to count calories. In addition, men can eat the foods they love and exercise just 90 minutes a week to shed pounds and add muscle mass to their bodies.

The game plan is simple: a low carbohydrate meat-and-vegetables diet plus weight training 3 days a week. The goal is to reduce glycogen (carbohydrate) levels stores in muscles by using five eating plans, the most important one being Plan A. Plan A is four weeks long, and it requires the body to use fat as its primary source of energy. Men eat low-starch vegetables, fruits, and high-quality protein (beef, cheese, eggs, fish, pork, poultry and protein shakes made from water and whey and/or casein protein) and avoid sugar and starch. Butter, cream, olives, avocados, coconuts, and nuts are allowed and so are water, coffee, unsweetened tea, no-calorie beverages, and up to two alcoholic drinks per day. After Plan A, men can move onto Plans B, C, D, or E, depending upon how many more pounds they want to lose.

On the TNT diet, men need to exercise for 30 minutes, 3 days a week. Because each workout is short, weight-training movement patterns—and not body parts—are emphasized. The six movement patterns are horizontal press, horizontal pull, vertical press, vertical pull, quadriceps-dominant, and hip dominant exercises. Note that cardio exercises aren’t emphasized, because they don’t result in fat loss the way that weight-training does.

Further reading:

Men’s Health: TNT Diet by Jeff Volek and Adam Campbell


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