Diseases | Health Eagle - Part 7

Archives for Diseases


by Bea October 21st, 2008 | Diseases, Illness, Medication
It's about that time again--flu season.

Did you know that every year (on average), 5%-20% of the United State's population gets the flu while more than 200,000 people are hospitalized, and 36,000 people die from the flu.

What is the flu? The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. It can cause mild to severe illness, and it can cause death. In order to protect yourself from this serious disease, you need to take certain precautions.

One of the most effective ways to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccination. You should get your yearly flu
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Bulimia and Side Effects

by MPK August 28th, 2008 | Diet, Diseases
Bulimia Nervosa is a debilitating disease that has been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association.  However, one of the side effects of this disease, excessive exercise, can be a disease in and of itself.  To learn more, visit our sister site, My Fitness Tunes.
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Asthma Cured By Hard Liquor??

by TK May 16th, 2008 | Diet, Diseases
In our sister publication, Parched No More, LJ Dovichi wrote a great article about how a cure for asthma is a shot of hard liquor. So, if you're an asthmatic, you may want to get a shot of tequila, rum, or scotch to snap out of your attack.
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Natural Allergy Relief

by Erin Steiner April 24th, 2008 | Diseases

While most of us are starting to long for the warm breezes and blooming flowers of spring, the allergy sufferers among us are doing silent cheers of relief. The longer it takes for spring to take hold, the less they have to worry about their springtime allergies. Sooner or later, spring will arrive in full force as will your allergies. If the cost of Claritin has gotten you down, you might want to consider some of these home remedies:

1. Drink tea! Green tea and chamomile tea both contain natural antihistamines. A couple of cups of either kind of

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Another Reason to Cut Down (or Quit!)

by Erin Steiner April 17th, 2008 | Diseases

Here is another reason to stop smoking and cut back on the drinking and fatty foods, reports recently released by the American Academy of Neurology have linked heavy smoking, heavy drinking, and high cholesterol with Alzheimer's disease.

What is heavy? Heavy smoking means smoking more than one pack per day. Heavy drinking means having more than two drinks per day. People who drank and/or smoked heavily in their 40s showed signs of Alzheimer's and dementia years earlier than those who did not smoke or drink heavily.

Scientists now think that Alzheimer's disease starts to build up inside

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