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Why Women Should be Doing Weight Bearing Exercise

by Kimberly Hays September 1st, 2023 | Exercise, Health Research, Women's Health
Weight training consists of simple exercises that strengthen bones and muscles by placing heaviness on the bones, which in turn strengthens them. Lifting things will place pressure on the bones, like resistance bands, dumbbell lifts, or even picking up grocery bags. You also strengthen the bones anytime you use your body weight, like push ups and lunges. Weight bearing exercise is important for everyone, but women are more prone to bone loss, especially those who are post-menopausal, and anyone at any age can begin weight bearing exercises to gain bone strength. Along with gaining bone strength and why it
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The Milk Debate

by Louise July 4th, 2011 | Health Research, Nutrition
The fact that milk is a great source of calcium isn't exactly breaking news. Through advertisements, milk and calcium have become somewhat synonymous in America. For example, a previously-posted article on Health Eagle, Drink Milk - Prevent Osteoporosis, triggered the following commentary:

"Adults should NOT be drinking milk ..."

This statement elicited a direct response from another reader, "Adult[s] do need calcium. Haven’t you read the article how important milk is?"

This is an alarming reply, as it implies that recommending less consumption of milk is the same as recommending a decreased intake of calcium. Calcium is necessary for many functions in our
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Give Your Heart a Valentine

by Lori Sciame February 11th, 2011 | Diseases, Health Research, Heart Health
This Valentine’s Day, show your heart some love. Since 1963, February has been known as “American Heart Month.” Since heart disease is America’s number one killer, it makes sense to make your heart a priority, not only this month, but every month of the year.

In 2010, an estimated 785,000 Americans had a new coronary attack, and about 470,000 had a recurrent attack. About every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event, and about one every minute will die from one (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). In essence, heart disease touches all
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Overweight Babies

by Bea January 3rd, 2011 | Children's Health, Diet, Health News, Health Research
Sure, babies often look a little chubby. That chubbiness is typically acceptable because it makes the baby cute and pudgy, but also because it usually evens out as the baby grows. However, now more than ever, studies have been finding that some babies are not just chubby, but overweight. In fact, in an article on livescience.com, it has been shown that almost one third of 9 month olds are obese or overweight. Though the study is not clear about which babies are included in this study, it states that the study looked a nationally representative sample of children born
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Red Bull — Just How Bad is it?

by Bea December 6th, 2010 | Health News, Health Research
We all know that energy drinks may not be the healthiest things in the world to drink, but just how bad are they?

Well, for example, France and Denmark have both prohibited Red Bull-- saying that it is a cocktail of death. This is because its vitamin components are mixed with glucuronolactone. What is that? Glucuronolactone is an extremely dangerous chemical that acts as a stimulant. You may or may not be old enough to know this, but this chemical was actually used in the sixties by United States troops in Vietnam. The United States Department of Defense developed this
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