Relationships | Health Eagle - Part 6

Archives for Relationships

Can Relationships Survive Breast Cancer?

by Lori Sciame October 9th, 2013 | Health Observance, Relationships
My first encounter with breast cancer happened when I was only 7 years old, the year my 23 year-old aunt underwent a double mastectomy.  Before my eyes she transformed from a vivacious woman to one with perpetual nausea, swollen appendages, and eventually an arm frozen in place from brutal radiation treatments.

Since that rude introduction, I have witnessed many more family members and friends battle this disease. If I've learned one thing over the years, relationships can change drastically once a woman develops breast cancer.

What I know isn't pretty.  While some family members and friends may
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Exercise Builds Relationships

by Lori Sciame September 11th, 2013 | Health Observance, Relationships
This month's health observance, fall into fitness, provides the perfect opportunity to discuss the connection between exercise and relationships. Not only does being fit give a person the energy to help sustain a healthy relationship with a significant other, it offers a chance for connections that might not otherwise happen.  It may be the time of year when many think limiting physical activity; however, do the opposite.  Get out and exercise with an old friend or a new one.  In the process, you will be strengthened both physically and mentally.

The Importance of Friendships

The great philosopher, Aristotle, proclaimed that friends
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The Sadness of Sabotage

by Lori Sciame May 6th, 2013 | Relationships
Some people have a difficult time finding love because they sabotage their own budding relationships.  This means that instead of letting a connection develop gradually, they may seek to control or test the other person for several reasons.  If a person finds himself or herself alone, even after being successful at getting first, second, and even third dates, he or she may want to investigate the idea of self sabotage.

Past Haunts

For those raised in dysfunctional households, finding love may be especially difficult. This is because, as a child, he or she did not receive the unconditional love and attention
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Embrace Differences: Enrich Your Life

by Lori Sciame December 31st, 2012 | Relationships
As a college student advisor, I meet a wide variety of people.  For instance, I advise one student who moved to the Midwest from Pakistan, one student who hails from the worn-torn part of Serbia, and one student from the projects of Chicago.  Although each of these individuals has vastly different life experiences from myself, I have connected with them not only as someone who can assist with educational and career goals, but also as someone they each consider a friend.

My love of all people, including those of different religions, cultures, and ethnic backgrounds, goes back to
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Facebook and Relationships

by Lori Sciame December 17th, 2012 | Relationships
No one can deny the fact that Facebook has had a tremendous effect on relationships.  It has been credited with reuniting old friends, with giving homebound individuals a support network, and with helping to spread the word about worthwhile events, such as fundraisers for ill individuals.  Facebook has also broken up marriages,  increased cyber bullying, and given an easy avenue for predators to reach children.  Like many technological advances, Facebook can not be classified completely as good, yet it is not all bad either.

Facebook - The Benefits

Without Facebook, I would never had learned what happened to several of my
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