Relationships | Health Eagle - Part 7

Archives for Relationships

Increasing the Chances for Love

by Lori Sciame November 19th, 2012 | Relationships
Finding a significant other can be difficult.  Factors such as compatibility, timing,  and even lack of self-esteem play into the love equation.  Basically, finding true love takes patience - and a bit of luck. It may seem as if there is nothing a person can do to increase his or her chances of meeting the right man or woman, but a few actions can certainly help speed the process along.

Embrace a New Hobby

I work with a woman who took up the sport of curling to help fill the void left from divorce.  She loved being a part of
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Is Forgiveness Possible?

by Lori Sciame November 5th, 2012 | Relationships
During our lifetimes, we all experience great joy as well as deep sorrow.  Sometimes, the sorrow can be caused when another either intentionally or unintentionally hurts our feelings. This happens not only between spouses, but between parents and children, and between siblings as well.  Old hurts, even from years earlier, can cause one's stomach to churn and bubble when revisited in a memory.  Sometimes, relationships may be broken seemingly beyond repair, but maybe forgiveness will salvage the bond.

Recently I lost my mother to cancer.  Not only was I grieving, but I experienced great anger when two of my brothers
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Relationships Take Work

by Lori Sciame October 22nd, 2012 | Relationships
Just as a homeowner maintains a house, those involved in meaningful relationships need to work to keep their partnerships in good repair.  Jobs, children, friends, hobbies, and the like gobble up a person's time.  Because of this, love relationships can become casualties of neglect.  Instead of taking time to nurture the relationship, often times it is left for dead last. Pledge to resume working on your romantic relationship today, and watch the positive effects your actions will have.

First, a husband or wife should always feel like a priority to the other spouse.  Even little gestures, such as bringing home
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Liked – But Not by Everyone

by Lori Sciame October 8th, 2012 | Relationships
Throughout a person's life, he or she comes in contact with hundreds of people.  Some of these meetings will result in friendships, either temporary or lasting, some will even lead to love; however, not every meeting will end on a good note.  In life, there will be times when a relationship ends badly.  Realizing this early on can save a sensitive person a lot of heartache.

Relationships occur at school, at work, at church, and in recreational settings.  It's a rush to meet someone new that shares similar values and goals - someone with whom you feel a connection.  Although
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Warning Signs – Controlling Relationships

by Lori Sciame September 24th, 2012 | Relationships
Does your significant other dictate what you can wear, what friends you can hang with, and even where you can go?  If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, be careful - you may be in a controlling relationship.

Both men and women can become involved with controllers, as they often appear so caring at first.  It may seem like they have your best interests at heart, almost like they know "what's best for you," yet do they really?  If you have been wondering if your significant other is too controlling, read this post.

I had a friend
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