New Year, New Goals | Health Eagle

New Year, New Goals

by Louise January 20th, 2009 | Diet, Exercise
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It is 2009, a new year, time for a change. What’s your New Year’s resolution? Everybody makes one, but how many people actually keep them? I am going to take a guess and say that it is only a very small percentage of people. What sets those people aside from the rest of us? Can we say their goals are easier, or is that just a bad excuse? How can we become a part of that percentage and make it grow? This year, I want you to make a health-related goal. It doesn’t matter how big or how small your goal is, it could be anything from flossing more to losing twenty pounds.
My suggestion is that you make your goals more than just ideas in your mind. Make them solid, physically put them down on paper, and then put that paper in a spot that will remind you of it every day. For example, if your goal is to floss more often, put a sticky note by your toothbrush that says, “Remember to floss!” If you have a bigger goal (such as whiten teeth), you need to think about how you plan on making it happen. Write out a checklist, and put it by your bed stand or maybe next to where you keep your car keys. Maybe a sticky note seems obnoxious and tacky (no pun intended), but that’s the point. You really need to keep your goal in mind all year long. Maybe you won’t get to it right away, but after some time, that note will get really annoying, and that’s the point when you actually need to do the action, floss those teeth. The ultimate goal is, of course, to take a step toward your goal every day. Eventually, the only reason the reminder will be annoying is because you planned on taking your steps before being reminded.

This isn’t something to think about, it’s something you actually have to make an effort to do. If you seriously want to reach your goal, you need to take the first step. This could be it!

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Comments One Response to “New Year, New Goals”
  1. Zoe says:

    hi! i try not to start my resolutions on january; i start them on the very day i decide on it. for instance, i have decided that i will lose weight through diet and exercise and i will take up a new sport. i did so last november and i am continuing with it. i remember how difficult it was to discipline myself into going to the gym, but you’re right: if you seriously want to reach your goal, you need to take the first step. you need to make that effort. as they say – it only takes 3 weeks to form a habit. 🙂

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