2010 | Health Eagle

Archives for 2010

Insuring the Safety in Exercising

by Chang Song December 31st, 2010 | Exercise
Here in the United States of America, many Americans are obsessed with having the perfect body type. That being said, Americans are obsessed with getting a tan and working out what seems like 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a the year. It is quite ridiculous how many people still go to the gym even on Christmas Eve; I mean aren’t they supposed to use this time for last-minute Christmas shopping? For those avid gym-goers out there, working out is great for both the mind and the body, but you do need to take
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Nicotine Withdrawal or Depression?

by Jane Wangersky December 27th, 2010 | Addiction, Mental Health
Quitting smoking has always been a popular New Year's resolution, and now, with the dangers of smoking well known and smoking restricted to fewer and fewer places, it's more important than ever for smokers to try to quit.

It's also important to be aware of what quitting may do to your mental state. The good news is that you won't feel this way forever.

Nicotine withdrawal has many mental and physical effects. Smokefree.gov says symptoms include:

* Feeling down or sad
* Having trouble sleeping
* Feeling irritable, on edge, grouchy
* Having trouble thinking clearly and concentrating
* Feeling restless and jumpy
* Slower heart rate
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Show Depression to the Door

by Chang Song December 24th, 2010 | Drugs, Medication, Mental Health
The winter holidays and Christmas are just right around the corner. It should be times of relaxation and happiness for everyone around the globe. However, there are some people who are dealing with symptoms of depression at this time as well, as the result of marriage failures, the loss of love ones, and more complicated issues surrounding their lives. There is a solution to this problem: Pristiq, a very useful medication that can be utilized to relieve the devastating effects of depression, especially during the holidays.

Depression during the holiday season is as rough as it gets. There is really
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by Louise December 20th, 2010 | Diet
Fish is often highly-recommended as a source of healthy fats and complete proteins. However, as you might have imagined, it should not be consumed every day. Fish and shellfish contain mercury, often in the form of methyl mercury, which is actually toxic for our bodies. Taking in excess amounts of fish (and therefore mercury) could be very detrimental to one's health.

Minamata disease is a neurological syndrome caused by an excessive intake of mercury. It was discovered in the 1950's in Japan, when over 2,000 people died, along with many of the local animals, after showing symptoms including numbness, muscle
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Strep Throat

by MPK December 17th, 2010 | Diseases
In the midst of winter, there always seems to be a barrage of colds and viruses among school-age children.  Many of these illnesses are viral and require not much more than rest and hydration to cure them.  However, sometimes that sore throat is a bacterial infection, known as strep throat.  After receiving the official diagnosis from your doctor and the antibiotics from your pharmacist, what else can be done?

Dr. Thomas Seman, President of North Shore Pediatrics, offers the following suggestions:

  • Drink cold liquids to soothe the throat

  • Alternately, drink hot liquids to soothe the throat

  • Gargle with antiseptic mouthwash

  • Take NSAIDs, such as
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