2014 | Health Eagle

Archives for 2014

Your Job and Birth Defects

by Lori Sciame December 4th, 2014 | Health Observance, Men's Health
Current research shows that women aren't the only ones who need to be concerned about having a healthy pregnancy.  Several major studies prove that men should be proactive with their health when deciding to start a family as well.  For instance, a man needs to develop healthy eating habits and steer clear of all drugs and alcohol BEFORE fathering a child.

However, information provided by the North Carolina Center for Birth Defects Research and Prevention suggests a man must do even more to ensure a healthy birth outcome.  This is because research by this team of professionals implicates a man's
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Your Mental Health Care & Birth Defects

by R. Carnavale December 2nd, 2014 | Health Observance, Mental Health
When you're pregnant, you can help maintain your mental health before, during and after pregnancy by taking extra care about what you put in your body so that you can help prevent birth defects from occurring in your unborn baby. If you're self-medicating or using prescription drugs to treat a mental illness, you'll want to inform all of your doctors about your pregnancy and what medications you're taking in order to ensure the health and well being of you and your unborn baby. If you're currently using any of the following substances for any reason, be sure to ask
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Relax, for the Heart of It

by Margot F. November 5th, 2014 | Health Observance, Women's Health
Life for many women can be extremely stressful looking after everyone. Taking care of oneself can be challenging. Some women perceive self care as selfish. Unfortunately, ignoring the signs of stress can have serious consequences for your heart, sometimes resulting in heart disease.

One option for reducing stress is through food grade terpenes. Added to your favorite foods, it is a simple and delicious way to enjoy their health benefits.

Two types of heart disease are stroke and heart attack. When a blood vessel to the heart is blocked, it is called a heart attack. A blockage to a portion
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Easily Drop 10 Pounds in 5 Weeks

by Kimberly Hays November 3rd, 2014 | Diet
There is a diet now that boasts that you can lose 10 pounds in five weeks without doing a whole lot other than adding superfoods to your diet and making a few adjustments that seem sensible and not so difficult. For instance, simply rearranging the food in your refrigerator is just one example of the small changes that will lead to success. You will do this to bring the healthy fruits and veggies in sight where you are more apt to eat them instead of other foods. Another example is that you will need to start making your own
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Team Baby

by Lori Sciame November 2nd, 2014 | Health Observance, Relationships
The time to think about having a healthy baby begins long before conception.  The mother-to-be must give up bad habits, must be in good physical condition, and she must consume a nutritious diet before she becomes pregnant in the first place.  But women aren't the only one in the relationship who needs to prepare. Dad needs to jump on board "team baby" as well.

Bad Habits = Bad Outcomes

The quickest way to ensure a baby will not be born healthy: keep smoking, and drink as much alcohol as you want. This goes for BOTH mom and dad.  Studies prove that
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